Kuzco teams up with Pacha, a llama herder, who helps Kuzco turn back into a human again, regaining his dignity and his throne. He is presumed dead, and finds himself lost in the jungle. In The Emperor's New Groove, Kuzco is turned into a llama by the duplicitous Yzma, who intends to poison him to claim the throne for herself, following her termination as his adviser. Throughout the series, he turns into various animals. For example, when he is shown beautiful girls in hopes one of them will be his wife, he rudely insults all of them and continues to sing about himself and be pampered by his servants. Kuzco is initially portrayed as an arrogant, callous and spoiled narcissist, but has a sense of charm and style. His name is a reference to the ancient Incan city of Cusco. Emperor Kuzco is the 18 year-old emperor of the Incas.